Thursday, October 13, 2011

Get Rid of cellulite Fast and Cheap

Package for cellulite are bearing fruit, but what do you do if you have money to go to a beauty salon? Improvise recipes for home using ingredients that have anti-cellulite properties.Here's what's cheap options!

Cellulite affects up to 90% of women most vulnerable areas are the thighs and arms. How many of you can not change risk factors for cellulite, you must pay great importance to food and avoid those products that may worsen cellulite and cellulite turn to solutions that you can apply at home.
"In combat cellulite solutions are not saving, but need to change lifestyle and sustained treatment, consistent. Thus, diet, exercise, creams and massages, wraps cellulite should be combined with the latest technologies, such as using shock waves to a lasting effect, "the specialist recommends.
                                             Foods that need to stay away
1. Soda and fresh sites in excess
2. Coffee in excess
3. Alcohol in excess
4. Fried foods and fast-food diet
5. Meats and other animal fats industrial preparations (canned, cooked, pate)
6. Sweets and refined foods
Also, smoking, tight clothing (prevents blood circulation, especially tight pants and a habit of sitting cross-legged) and high heels fall into the category of risk factors for cellulite.

                                          How can you do at home packing 
Before any packaging is made with sea salt exfoliation to allow active substances to penetrate the skin well, you can prepare yourself a scrub, mixing sea salt, olive oil and lemon juice or coffee grounds with olive oil or coffee grounds with honey or brown sugar with honey.
Also, for a guaranteed effect is recommended to drink plenty of plain water before and after packaging body and avoid coffee, carbonated drinks carbonated, sugar, fat, fried foods and alcohol within 48 hours.

1. Wraps cellulite creams. Use a cellulite creams, massage and wrap well with foil problem areas food. You should wait as long as (1 hour) to promote sweating. Do not shower in the next 6 hours after you remove the foil.2. Packs of coffee and olive oil. Heat olive oil, mix it with coffee powder, applied to problem areas and then with foil food packs. Leave on 15-30 minutes, then take a shower. "These wraps tones the body, stimulates its ability to burn fat, speed up metabolism and eliminate excess water held
3. Wraps with cocoa butter or Shea butter. Use cocoa butter or unrefined Shea butter, massage problem areas, food wrap them with foil and leave to act as much. Finally it is advisable to shower 6-8 hours do not allow for active substances act.4. Wraps with cocoa and olive oil. Heat olive oil, mix it with cocoa, applied to problem areas and cover them with foil food. Leave on 30 minutes, after which you can do shower.5. Seaweed wraps and olive oil. Heat oil, mix it with seaweed powder and 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil. Apply to problem areas and cover them with foil food. and allow to act  30 minutes, then take a shower. 

Basic rules if you want to get rid of cellulite 
  • Say goodbye to sedentary lifestyle and get a sports program that you follow it religiously;
     Do not overdo it with alcohol; 
  •  You have to look for cigarettes;
      Attention to modern models of contraceptive pills with estrogen, they may contribute to increased weight gain and cellulite
  • Detox is essential: do not forget the fruit, vegetables and more fiber.

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